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About the Author

When she isn’t writing novels featuring strong female leads on a path to self-discovery, Leah Omar makes her career at a global medical device company. From Eyota, Minnesota, she holds bachelor’s degrees in communications and English literature and a master’s in business administration from Augsburg University in Minneapolis.

As a writer, Leah is devoted to giving her readers contemporary love stories that make us remember that we have more similarities than differences, and that love can conquer all. When Leah’s not busy writing women’s fiction and romance, she can be found watching a basketball game on TV, traveling somewhere far away, eating something spicy, or trying to shape the lives of her two amazing kids.

Leah now calls Minneapolis home, which she shares with her husband and two kids.

Stay in touch with Leah:


Instagram: @leahomarbooks

Facebook: @leahomarbooks

TikTok: @leahomarbooks